An Attempt at Cooking: Yakimochi

An Attempt at Cooking: Yakimochi

2018, Oct 08    

Here we go, let me solve your evening savory snack kick. Crunchy, chewy, savory toasted mochi.

Ingredients. probably:

  • Mochi blocks: Some
  • Soy Sauce: 4ml per block of mochi.
  • Katsuo/Bonito flakes (optional): a pinch per block of mochi.


  1. Open the mochi packets.

    Openned Mochi

  2. Halve the mochi blocks.

    Mochi halfed

  3. Evenly space them in the Toaster oven. Toast them at 400F for 8 minutes.

    In the TOASTER

  4. Place the mochi onto a serving dish.

    Placed and Ready

  5. Lightly press down and break the crunchy parts of each piece of mochi.


  6. (Optional) Place a small amount of bonito flakes on each piece of mochi.

    Bonito Flakes Topped

  7. Drizzle soy sauce on top of each piece.

    Drizzled Soy Sauce

  8. Enjoy. Try not to get the soy sauce on your white shirt.

    Ready to Eat