![An Attempt at Cooking: Yakimochi](/assets/img/aac_yakimochi/finished.jpg)
An Attempt at Cooking: Yakimochi
2018, Oct 08
Here we go, let me solve your evening savory snack kick. Crunchy, chewy, savory toasted mochi.
Ingredients. probably:
- Mochi blocks: Some
- Soy Sauce: 4ml per block of mochi.
- Katsuo/Bonito flakes (optional): a pinch per block of mochi.
Open the mochi packets.
Halve the mochi blocks.
Evenly space them in the Toaster oven. Toast them at 400F for 8 minutes.
Place the mochi onto a serving dish.
Lightly press down and break the crunchy parts of each piece of mochi.
(Optional) Place a small amount of bonito flakes on each piece of mochi.
Drizzle soy sauce on top of each piece.
Enjoy. Try not to get the soy sauce on your white shirt.