An Attempt at Cooking: Zenzai

An Attempt at Cooking: Zenzai

2018, Nov 10    

Zenzai is a dessert I originally had thought to be much harder than it actually is. Turns out that this dessert is incredibly easy to do and is something I look to make in the winter. Cans/Packs of sweet adzuki paste can be purchased from Amazon (Search for Tsubu-an or Koshi-an) or even some asian sections in local grocery stores.


  • Mochi blocks: 3
  • Water: 400ml
  • Sweet Adzuki Paste: 400g
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Open the mochi packets.

    Openned Mochi

  2. Quarter each of the mochi blocks.

    Mochi quartered

  3. Evenly space the mochi in the toaster oven. Toast them at 400F for 6-8 minutes.

    Mochi in the Toaster

  4. Measure out 1 to 1 water to sweet adzuki paste. Since this is 400g of water, measure out 400g of sweet adzuki paste.


  5. Set the pot to low-medium. Aim for a low simmer, and mix the sweet adzuki paste in with a pinch of salt.

    Adding in Mix

  6. This is what it will look like when done mixing.

    Mixed together fully

  7. Take the pot off the heat, and set a few toasted mochi pieces into a bowl.

    Ready to pour

  8. Ladle the soup over the toasted mochi.

    Ready to serve

  9. Serve while hot. But not to your cats.
